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Wednesday 11 October 2017

Exercise during Pregnancy - Pramod C K

Exercise during pregnancy can have a positive impact on both baby and mom. You need to be physically active during pregnancy.
Woman with normal pregnancies should get at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise on most days. More women than ever are taking that advice, making fitness a part of their daily-or almost daily-routine.There are plenty of health perks to exercising for two.

Most exercises are safe to perform during pregnancy, as long as you exercise with caution and do not overdo it. Do everything in moderation, never exercise to the point of exhaustion. The safest and productive exercises are swimming, brisk walking, stationary cycling, elliptical , pranayama (breathing exercises), light weight training, kegel exercise etc. Drink water before, after and during exercise to avoid dehydration. Any exercise or environment that raises a pregnant woman's temperature more than 1.5° should be avoided since it causes blood to be shunted away from the uterus to the skin as the body attempts to cool off.

Practising yoga while pregnant is one of the best ways to keep your body feeling good and your mind in balance. If you have never practised yoga before, start with prenatal yoga for a while, you should be able to continue your regular yoga practice with a few modifications.

Exercises like Squat can open your pelvic outlet by 10%. When you squat to induce labor, it creates more room for the baby to move down into the birth canal. Strong legs are a must when it comes to labor and the final push to give birth. Squats are fine, but avoid lunges and deep knee bends because your joints will be more prone to injury.

Jumping and running while pregnant can hurt the baby. Use lighter weights with more reps during pregnancy to avoid overloading joints already loosened by increased levels of hormone Relaxin during pregnancy.
Kegel exercise helps strengthen your pelvic floor, the muscle group that controls all the flow of urine and the contraction of the vagina and anal sphincter. One of the many benefits of doing your Kegels is that they prevent urinary incontinence, a pretty common complaint late in pregnancy and during postpartum.
The benefits of exercise for mom:

Exercise may prevent gestational diabetes, a growing problem among pregnant woman. It causes your brain to release Endorphins, those happy chemicals that give you a natural high-improving your mood, diminishing stress and anxiety. A strong set of abs is the best defence against back pain, which plagues many pregnant woman. But even exercise that is not directly targeting the tummy can also relieve back pain and pressure . An active body encourages active bowels. Moms who exercise tend to have shorter labors and delivery interventions, including C-sections. The more fit you stay during pregnancy, the faster you will recover physically after childbirth. Many pregnant women have a hard time falling asleep, but those who exercise consistently often sleep better and wake up feeling more rested. A little exercise can go a long way when it comes to giving your energy level the boost it needs.

The benefits of exercise for Babies:

Babies are also stimulated by the sounds and vibrations they experience in the womb during workouts. Babies of moms who exercise during pregnancy are born at a healthier weights, are better able to weather labor and delivery and recover from the stresses of birth more quickly. Research shows that babies of moms who exercise throughout pregnancy score higher, on average, on general intelligence tests by 5. Also they tend to sleep through the night sooner, are less prone to colic, and are better able to soothe themselves.


 A pregnant body is more prone to muscle cramps in the legs. Stretching can help you uncover little pockets of tension, warding off sore muscles. Plus you can do it anywhere, anytime-even if you spend most of your day sitting down.


If you are abstaining from exercise on your doctor's orders, you are helping your baby and yourself. Your doctor will almost certainly restrict exercise if you have a history of miscarriages or of premature labor, or if you have an incompetent cervix, bleeding or persistent spotting in the second or third trimester, heart disease, high blood pressure, anaemia etc.

Always check with your doctor for your pregnancy exercise protocol.

Pramod is a top trainer in Bengaluru offering personalized fitness solution. Pramod can be contacted at +91 9611219889

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