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Monday 1 January 2018

TREATMENT OF BABIES AND CHILDREN - SOME HINTS Compiled by Dr Sajeev.V, Director, School of Homoeopathy, Kerala

The main factors we have to look upon when treating babies are
1)Mood Of The Baby

2)Colour Of Face


4)Texture Of Skin



7)Way He/She Stands /Sits/Lie Down

8)Colour And Odour Of Urine  & Stool

9)Reactions To Milk And Food

10)Desires and aversion to food


Some important remedies

  • ·        Frightened looking- aconite, stramonium
    ·        Sleepy- cannabis ind, opium, bacillinum
    ·        Old looking – arg nit, calc carb, nat mur, opium, sec cor
    ·        Cries at moment it is put down – borax
    ·        Stop crying when carried  -
    ·        Shrieking type of cry which occur during sleep- borax, lyco, zinc
    ·        Shrieking with convulsions- lyco, cicuta, cuprum (cuprum-  convulsions mainly starts in extremities )
    ·        Convulsions after arm bath- apis
    ·        Ear pains with crying and shrieking- graphites, psorinum, merc sol
    ·        Moaning and groaning from ear pain- acon, bell, chammomila, hell, puls
    ·        Discharge from right ear- merc-i-flav, lyco, sil, thuja, nitric acid
    ·        Discharge from left ear – graph, psorinum, merc-i-rub
    ·        Ear discharge mixed with blood- calc sulp, merc, psor, silicea
    ·        Pure blood from ear- phos, crotallus hor
    ·        Vertical wrinkles in forehead – hell, stram, cham, lyco, caust (think of brain/meninges troubles )
    ·        Dry skin- bell, bry, calc, cham, kali c, lyco, petr, sulph, stram, teucr
    ·        Dry & rough – petr, calc, sulph, sepia
    ·        Different type of skin eruptions in babies since birth- sulph, psor, graph
    ·        Dark rings around eyes –secale corn (often), acid phos, acid sulph, ars
    ·        Perspiration increased in general but not dries up during diseases (resp troubles)- sambucus
    ·        Tongue is white on two sides- causticum
    ·        Tongue is white on one side – rhus tox
    ·        Tongue white as oil painted – ars alb
    ·        Propped up position ameliorates – calc, ars, lach, sepia
    ·        Lying on abdomen ameliorates- bell, colocynth, stram, med
    ·        Child lying with arms over head- puls
    ·        Sudden aversion to milk- lac-def
    ·        Vomiting milk 10 minutes after intake- aethusa
    ·        Urine dark  brown in colour- sepia, lyc
    ·        Urine greenish – merc-cor, camphor
    ·        Eruptions reddish in nates and perineum- medorrhinum
    ·        Big strong warts on face – calc carb
    ·        Moaning with digestive troubles - ant crud
    ·        Colic with rumbling at regular intervals – iiliacum
    ·        Child touches the genitalia all the time – hyos
    ·        No symptom with high fever – ferrum phos
    ·         Ingrowing toe nails in children- silicea

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