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Saturday 30 December 2017


Paediatric patients are most of any homoeopath’s practice. Treating acutes in kids can be considered a breeze or a painful task which entirely depends on our ability to find out the objective symptoms in the case. As Kent says, mothers are a good source of symptoms but don’t rely on them too much, since they have a tendency to exaggerate because of their sympathetic nature. Keen observation from the part of physician is the only sure shot way to success in paediatric cases.
It’s beyond the scope of this article to discuss all that’s about paediatrics. But we can discuss about few symptoms commonly encountered in our practice.
Carried, desire to be is one of the common symptoms we see in our daily practice. We can say the importance of this symptom is directly proportional to the age of the child in consideration. Older the child, greater is its importance. If older children pester their parents or bystanders to carry them it has to be taken. Cham, Cina, Ant crud, Ant tart, Puls, Bryonia, Rhus tox, Ars alb, Bell.
The way the kid likes to be carried should be noted. Ars, Bell, Cham, Rhus tox patients wants their bystanders to carry them and they should never remain still. Puls kid wants to  be carried slowly and can only be soothened by gentle caressing and fondling. Ars alb is in a never-ending search for finding relief, they like to be carried by different persons. Also they would like to change rooms frequently and ask their parents to carry them and walked around. This can be equated to the symptom Mind- Restlessness, driving him out of bed seen in arsenicum adults. Cham, Cina, Ant crud, Ant tart, Arnica likes to be carried but they have an aversion to be touch. Cina likes to be carried but never gets relief by carrying. Some kids like to be carried over shoulders. Those kids can be suffering from abdominal colic. Cham, Cina, Podo, Dios, Lyco can be considered. Ant tart likes to be carried by mother and its seen in Ars alb also. Ant tart wants to be carried but he wants be seated in their lap. The respiratory complaints of Ant tart get better by sitting in an erect position.
In fever cases distribution of heat has to be considered. Raging fever with cold feet is commonly seen in kids. Arn, Ant tart, Ant crud, Bell, Puls, Sambucus, Sil etc have this symptom. In addition to this Sil has coldness of hands as well. Lyc is indicated in patients where one limb is hot and the other limb is cold. Redness of one side of face and paleness of other side of face is seen in Cham. In Arn and Sambucus head will be hot to touch and feet will be cold. Arn patients tends to have heat in the upper part of body and coldness of lower part of body. The peculiarity of Samb is heat comes on during sleep and it dissipates as soon as the patient wakes up. Thuja is quite the opposite where heat comes on after the patient wakes up and perspiration during sleep. Snuffles, heat comes on during sleep, coldness of feet. If the patient has these symptoms Samb can be a sure shot prescription (repeatedly verified in practice). Heat in palms and soles during fever is frequently seen in Sulph patients. Phos patients tend to have heat of palms and not on soles during fever.
High rise of temperature with no other specific symptoms is usually an indication for Ferr phos. Reddish discoloration of lips during fever is seen in Sulph, Ant crud, Ferr phos, Tuber. Redness of face during fever is seen in Bell.
If fever develops after a sharp rebuke or scolding it point towards Ign and Phos ac.
Desire for milk in older kids during fever is a typical indication for Rhus tox. Aversion to mother’s milk during fever is an indication of Sil. In Puls, Ars, Cina, Cham the child drinks mothers milk and nothing else.
Cina is commonly indicated in kids who get cranky after an acute especially during convalescence of any respiratory illness. One symptom to confirm Cina is that they tend to chew or swallows after coughing.
Teeth grinding is an important symptom. Cina, Podo, Calc carb, Sulph, Teucrium, Tub are the main remedies. Grinding of teeth during diarrhoea is seen in Podo.
The above mentioned points should only be considered as a waypoint to enter a case. Take the case completely. Only the rightful use of repertory and materia medica can help us attain the similimum.

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